This is a 3 part post please read everything so you dont miss out on juicy details later. First off we had a very nice aurora last night which started out very cloudy. My guest at the Mt. Aurora Fairbanks Creek Lodge reported that the aurora started around 12am. They were able to take some very nice photos. I had to go to bed early due to a chance that I had to work at the ski area the next morning.
Are you a aurora watcher in the Fairbanks area? Have you asked yourself any of the following questions: Where do I go to see the aurora? What happens if I need to use the bathroom while I'm out? I wish I could have a nice place to stay and watch the aurora? I could use some help with some basic aurora photography tips?
Well if you answered any of those questions with a yes, I'm hosting an aurora viewing at the Skiland lodge. The price is $25 per person. It includes warm place to stay, bathrooms, free coffee and tea. Group rates avaiable. Please contact me via e-mail for more details
Finally last night was the second test of my time lapse program. I have posted it on facebook. It should also be embedded here below this post.